Michelle Holland
Academic Advisor

Primary Office: Bartlett Hall (BAR) 0089
Secondary Office: Wellness & Recreation Center (WRC) 111
Directory Contact
Michelle Holland
Academic Advisor
- Exercise Science & Kinesiology majors
- Athletic Training Majors
Pre-Health Focus:
- Pre-Athletic Training
- Pre-Chiropractic
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
Favorite Food on Campus: Monster Cookies
Advice to Students: Make friends. Living on campus can help with this! Having a support system in place is crucial to help students move forward toward graduation. As an advisor, I take a proactive in supporting this by registering students in those classes where other "new" students will be.
I'm here to help in any way I can, whether that is to help during registration, helping students navigate UNI's policies/procedures, and/or by providing referrals to other campus offices/resources.
- B.A. in General Studies / General Business Concepts minor, University of Northern Iowa
- M.A.E. College/University Student Services; University of Northern Iowa