Victoria Fredricksen


Victoria Fredricksen

Bartlett Hall (BAR) 0089


Directory Contact

Victoria Fredricksen



Favorite Food on Campus: 

  • Ramen/Saimin Noodles from Kachin Sushi 

Favorite Place on Campus: 

  • UNI Botanical Center – either the Tropical area with Columbo and Chiquita or by the koi fish

Advice to Students:

  • College is such an exciting time for growth and exploration🌱 It's the perfect opportunity to try new things and expand your horizons since the educational experience doesn’t just come from books!  Expand your comfort zone by joining a club or organization on campus. It's a great way to met people and discover a new passion.  Try new foods and attend cultural events, this can broaden your perspective and enrich your life in unexpected ways.


  • B.S. Business Management, University of Phoenix, Honolulu Campus