
Creative, energetic, outgoing, service-oriented individuals with well-developed verbal and written communication skills. ENFPs see life as full of possibilities. They make connections between events and information very quickly and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. They work logically and rationally, and they are unique problem solvers. They are intuitive and perceptive about people and make good team players.They typically seek out careers not confined by strict schedules and mundane tasks but provide a flexible environment that challenges them with new opportunities to see their innovations become reality.


  • Most Value: Innovation

  • Appear to Others as: Imaginative, enthusiastic, and expressive

  • Strengths: Excellent communicator, natural leaders, strong social conscience

  • Areas for Growth: Hypersensitivity, may lack of focus and follow through, overthinking, over-emotional and approval-seeking

Other Characteristics:

  • Energizing

  • Communicative

  • Open

  • Strategic

  • Future-Oriented

  • Empathetic

  • Cooperative

  • Loyal

  • Flexible

  • Curious

  • Informal


Common Careers: 


Business and Sales

Personal Care and Service


Media and Communication


Education, Training, and Library





Arts and Design




Information collected from: